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Exams Preparation Tuition
for GSCE English Language
My name is Miss West and I specialise in providing targeted and tailored tuition for your child, specifically for the upcoming AQA GCSE English Language exams.
With the exams starting in just three months, now is the time to prioritise and focus.
With over 20 years of experience as a qualified teacher, I am expert at helping students master the skills and techniques needed for the GCSE English Language exams.
Using exam board resources alongside my tried and tested own materials, your child will receive tuition in the strategies needed to approach the exams with confidence.
Tailored for each individual, your child will be given opportunities to practice and receive immediate feedback enabling them to practice again straightaway -
Practice really does make perfect!
​Two start dates available:
w/c Monday 3rd February
w/c Monday 10th February

​10-week exam focused preparation course
Small groups of 3.
Face-to-face with qualified and experienced teacher.
Tuition takes place locally in Winchester.
Days: Mon/Tue/Wed/Thurs.
Sessions available from 3.30pm - 9pm.
Two starting dates.​
£330 (translates to £33ph).

Dates for the English Language exams:
​​AQA 8700/1 - Paper 1 (fiction) - Friday 23rd May 2025 (AM).
AQA 8700/2 - Paper 2 (non-fiction) - Friday 6th June 2025 (AM).
Why small groups work
Small group settings allow students to learn from their peers in a comfortable and fun environment. The setting is neutral, relieving any nerves, and from my experience maximises each individual student's potential.
Feedback is able to be given immediately, to an individual if appropriate or to the group as a whole, meaning there's less pressure than in 1-2-1 tuition. Small groups also allow students space to think whilst they listen to the ideas of others in the group.

"Three is a magic number!"
Small groups relieve the pressure of 1-2-1 tuition.​
More teacher feedback than in a class at school.
Enhanced learning through sharing of ideas.
Creates a sense of camaraderie and teamwork.
Evidence from the Education Endowment Foundation shows that small group tuition is effective.
Reading and interpretation in particular is improved - essential for succeeding in today's English Language GCSE.
Master classes where students can unleash their potential
Stuctures & Strategies
Students receive tuition on what is required for each question and how they all fit together within the timings. Through the learning and implementing of structures and strategies, they will be able to confidently approach the exam knowing what to do and how to do it.
Interpret & Implement
Students benefit from discussions of cultural capital and thus are trained on how to read the texts effectively and how to write their answers in a way that fits within the assessment criteria.
Techniques & Tips
Students will learn tried and tested techniques, gleaned from my years as a classroom teacher and private tutor, that allow them to answer the questions and showcase their ideas to the best of their ability and with improved confidence.
Practice & Application
This exam preparation course gives students many opportunities to apply their ideas and new found skills enabling them to demonstrate their ideas effectively to the examiners.
Exam Preparation
Course Details
The 10-week course covers both paper 1 and paper 2 for the AQA English Language exams 2025.
Over the course, your child will:​
Gain knowledge and understanding of assessment criteria requirements and practise application.
Discuss and realise a broader understanding of the world around them by placing texts within their context and drawing on their own experiences to make links, fostering deeper appreciation and understanding of texts.
Discover how to approach the reading of the texts and questions and how they build upon each other and fit together within the timings.
Strengthen and extend their effective use of language for language, language for structure and language for evaluation.
Identify and apply the essential elements of creative writing through analysis of successful and achievable previous students' work as spring boards to improving their own.
Master the skills for effective persuasive writing, gaining familiarity and confidence with question structure and assessment schemes.
Extend their vocabulary in both reading and writing.​
Deepen both their understanding and application of subject terminology (essential to explain their understanding of writers' methods).
When & Where
Courses are held on Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays after school and in the evenings. Times are available between 3.30pm and 9pm​
​After school location: room in community hall within walking distance of Henry Beaufort and West Gate, and a short bus ride from Kings.​
Evening locations are in various village halls/community centres, all with free car parking and close to shops/pubs.
TWO start dates available - weeks commencing:
1) February 3rd, 10th, (Half-Term), 24th; March 3rd, 10th, 17th, 24th, 31st; (Easter Holidays); April 21st*, 28th.​
2) February 10th, (Half-Term), 24th; March 3rd, 10th, 17th, 24th, 31st; (Easter Holidays); April 21st, 28th; May 5th**
**Nb: Start date 2 Monday groups will run until May 12th for Monday groups due to Monday 21st being a Bank Holiday.
*Nb: as Monday 21st April is a Bank Holiday, start date 1 groups on Mondays will run until Monday 5th May.
Reminder of EXAM DATES: Paper 1 (am) Friday 23rd May, Paper 2 (am) Friday 6th June)
Please ensure your child is able to attend the full 10 weeks as each week's tuition will build on prior learning.
Badger Farm
Badger Farm
All payments are due in advance.
Different payment schedules are available.
Qualified teacher with many years experience teaching the AQA English Language exams. Both papers covered.
Payment is for the full course - £330
(Translates as £33 per tuition session)
Please note, groups run with 3 students. I reserve the right to create groups based on numbers and individual student's needs. As far as possible, I will attempt to offer you your first choice for day and time but flexibility is advantageous.

About Me - Miss West
Having lived and worked in Winchester for most of my life, I understand our area and its teenagers well - I have one of my own, so very much understand the pressures experienced as a whole family at this time of year.
Since leaving classroom teaching in 2023 I have tutored privately. I have a great deal of experience and know-how regarding AQA GCSE English Language and Literature. English is my passion and being a teacher has become my identity. I couldn't imagine doing anything else!
I have a down-to-earth and engaging style, forging trusting and encouraging relationships with my students. Even today, past pupils (now young adults) still stop me in the street, calling out, 'Miss West!', remembering my time as their teacher.
I feel very blessed to be in a position of such privilege that I can make such a positive impact on so many young people's lives.
Bookings & Reservations
Email me now to book your child onto their targeted 10-week English Language GCSE exam preparations course.
In the email please specify which day and time you would like as your first and second choices.
Once I have received your email, I shall contact you to arrange a time for us to discuss your child's needs and to introduce myself.
I very much look forward to hearing from you,
Miss West
"Thank you so much! I don't know how we would have approached these exams without you." Mrs C.
"Thank you so much for everything, not just her tutoring, but the support and the encouragement. She thinks so highly of you, as do we!" Mr & Mrs S.
"Miss West really helped me with my GCSEs as she was able to make some very boring stuff quite interesting as she was able to use her high energy to make it fun." Adam
"I really liked the small groups. It took the pressure off and I was able to learn from others." Patrick
"You're a star! He really thinks the world of you. He is very proud of what he has accomplished."
Ms E.
"Miss West's engaging approach helped my son achieve the pass he needed. Her supportive and down-to-earth style quickly built his confidence (in an) environment where he could thrive." Mrs L.